Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Week 8

Feedback presentation for Communication

The overall feedback we received from Russell and Nichole was good, the presentation covered most of the significance of communications, but our presentation mainly focused on explain the topic communication and missed how it impacted us as a group although we only made a little connection.

Our communication system is poor as networking method does not have a team leader, everyone is doing their own things which is shown in our presentation some of the contents are repeated. After the feedback was given we have elected a team leader in our group to ensure everyone won’t overlap each other’s work, this way the hierarchy system can benefit our group with our working process and to be more efficient.

There was a video that we didn't playing in the presentation due to technically issues, I have already uploaded my slides and the video is include in my blog(click here for the link).
There were questions at the end of our presentation from fellow classmates and Russell about how this relates back to our group and I answered the question with our working experience that actually happened because the way we change how we communicate however we didn't include most of the experiences in the presentation.

Another important question raised was how we can communication can improve our product. Our aim was to give the best we could to complete the project to do that we ensure that we will finish the product 2 weeks before its due date, so we can have a prototype for the client and our classmates to test and machine, if any problem spot it or areas that can improve our product we still have time to make adjustments and improve our product.

Work process 

By this I still cant integrate the arduino chip with UR4 and Elliot in my group is also working on it as this is one of the main process we have to get through.

I personal messaged the other guy who is working with arduino and UE but he seem to be doing something different, also he is from american our timezone is different and very difficult for us to have a real time conversation.

I also look at more youtube tutorial which might help testing before next week and hopefully can integrate arduino into UE4 by week 9

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